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Ameri-Spring Feature - Beds by Lady Americana

Separate wire strands run from head to foot. As each coil is formed, the wire forming that coil is backed up and wrapped around that coil. This patented construction contributes to the comfort, support, and durability provided by the total spring unit.

Weight Transfer Illustration Because of the phenomenon of weight transfer, weight placed anywhere on the spring unit is passed off to the entire unit, not just the coils under the weight. This means that metal fatigue in any one area is significantly delayed, the unit lasts longer, and you receive more value for your money.

On an ordinary spring unit, the border compresses deeply under weight, causing premature metal fatigue that results in an early demise of the mattress. Man on Non-Lady Americana Springs
The AMERI-SPRING® unit with the AMERI-GUARD® total perimeter support system prevents border collapse, even under heavy weight, significantly delaying metal fatigue and adding years of usage to the Lady Americana mattress. Man on Lady Americana Springs

You do this every day. With a LADY AMERICANA mattress with the AMERI-GUARD® total perimeter support system, you need not worry about damage to the edge. But don't do this often on an ordinary mattress, because you'll experience border breakdown.

Contour Support Illustration
The Ameri-Spring® unit with INTERLOCKING™ COILS contours to any weight or shape better than any other mattress. This significantly reduces pressure points that cause tossing and turning.

Notice how much the ordinary innerspring unit contracts under the weight of each sleeper--the lighter partner rolls toward the heavier.

In comparison, each partner on the AMERI-SPRING® mattress is supported by the entire unit due to weight transfer. Each has his/her own sleeping area. There is no rolling together. Each receives contour support...the ULTIMATE.

Because of the durability afforded the AMERI-SPRING® unit via the weight transfer of its INTERLOCKING™ COILS, and via its AMERI-GUARD® total perimeter support system, LADY AMERICANA is confidentially able to offer non pro-rated limited warranties of varying duration on most of its products. Never a charge for repair or replacement. See our warranty card for full details. Non Pro-Rated Warranty Logo

Visit our full line and features of Lady Americana Beds:
Beds:  Hotel Classic     Diplomat     Envoy     Premier    Concierge
Features:  #1 Ameri-spring      #2 Interlocking Coils     #3 Ameri-guard      

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