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Custom by Goldsmiths - Fabric Collection #2

Fabrics D

Welcome to the Goldsmith Company!

We offer you fine quality Custom Bedspreads and Drapes made especially for the hospitality industry.  Our Custom by Goldsmiths collection is made with the highest quality fabric and craftsmanship.  If you have an unusual or custom order, or don't see what you are looking for, just contact us by e-mail or phone - We will be happy to help you!



CONGRESS has an irregular horizontal slub that lends added texture to the delicate, de-lustered Fire Retardant faille cloth.

consnow.jpg (1390 bytes) conivory.jpg (4683 bytes) conflax.jpg (5473 bytes)
Snow Ivory Flax

conchampagne.jpg (5716 bytes) conhemp.jpg (7134 bytes) convanilla.jpg (5754 bytes)
Champagne Hemp Vanilla

condriftwood.jpg (7635 bytes) confawn.jpg (8074 bytes) connatural.jpg (7865 bytes)
Driftwood Fawn Natural

contussah.jpg (7908 bytes) concafe.jpg (6989 bytes) conlatte.jpg (9190 bytes)
Tussah Cafe Latte

conharvest.jpg (9906 bytes) conbeeswax.jpg (5665 bytes) conantique.jpg (6317 bytes)
Harvest Beeswax Antique

condijon.jpg (7362 bytes) conpumpkin.jpg (8418 bytes) conchery.jpg (9279 bytes)
Dijon Pumpkin Cherry

conpoppy.jpg (9688 bytes) conbrick.jpg (7360 bytes) condusty.jpg (7670 bytes)
Poppy Brick Dusty

conazalea.jpg (8697 bytes) constrawberywine.jpg (9298 bytes) conblackberry.jpg (7946 bytes)
Azalea Strawberry Wine Blackberry

conorchid.jpg (8676 bytes) congrapejelly.jpg (8389 bytes) conchambray.jpg (8960 bytes)
Orchid Grape Jelly Chambray

conroyal.jpg (8745 bytes) conmidnight.jpg (10110 bytes) conrobinhood.jpg (9335 bytes)
Royal Midnight Robinhood

conoasis.jpg (11834 bytes) conjuniper.jpg (9475 bytes) congranny.jpg (8264 bytes)
Oasis Juniper Granny Smith

conaloe.jpg (8939 bytes) conloden.jpg (8539 bytes) conmoss.jpg (11844 bytes)
Aloe Loden Moss

conhunter.jpg (11942 bytes) conespresso.jpg (7168 bytes) concharcoal.jpg (10077 bytes)
Hunter Espresso Charcoal

conraven.jpg (5816 bytes)


PEGASUS is the most exciting polyester print cloth on the market today.  Pegasus is inherently Fire Retardant and features an incredible brushed twill face that looks and feels like cotton.  We offer it as a stock cloth for all the patterns featured.

We also offer the Pegasus as an alternate base cloth for any 54" heat transfer print in our line and, to offer total flexibility, any of the patterns featured here on Pegasus can also be printed on any of our existing 54" alternate base cloths, subject to minimum yardage requirements.  Pegasus has also been tested for upholstery and exceeds 36,000 double rubs.  The Pegasus collection on this page consists of Tasty, Westfield, Tennessee, Award and Character patterns. 


Tasty - Peg

tastyzebra.jpg (15453 bytes) tastypecan.jpg (13140 bytes) tastyalmond.jpg (8906 bytes)
Zebra Pecan Almond

tastynougat.jpg (7815 bytes) tastybanana.jpg (7195 bytes) tastyapricot.jpg (8754 bytes)
Nougat Banana Apricot

tastybeet.jpg (11979 bytes) tastyplum.jpg (11642 bytes) eggplant.jpg (11025 bytes)
Beet Plum Eggplant

tastycapri.jpg (9001 bytes) tastyblueberry.jpg (10268 bytes) tastyseaspray.jpg (11029 bytes)
Capri Blueberry Seaspray

tastylime.jpg (10870 bytes) tastybasil.jpg (9942 bytes)
Lime Basil

Westfield - Peg

westfawn.jpg (9710 bytes) westginger.jpg (10287 bytes) westraspberry.jpg (13294 bytes)
Fawn Ginger Raspberry

westpesto.jpg (13322 bytes) westhorizon.jpg (12505 bytes)
Pesto Horizon

Tennessee - Peg

tennseamist.jpg (10523 bytes) tennscallion.jpg (11501 bytes) tenncitrus.jpg (10264 bytes)
Seamist Scallion Citrus

tenndijon.jpg (10974 bytes)

Award - Peg

awardgold.jpg (9791 bytes) awardcapri.jpg (11326 bytes) awardcarnation.jpg (10041 bytes)
Gold Capri Carnation

awardadobe.jpg (8477 bytes) awardscarlet.jpg (13096 bytes) awardhunter.jpg (13136 bytes)
Adobe Scarlet Hunter

awardaegean.jpg (12364 bytes)

Character - Peg

charwillow.jpg (13882 bytes) charautumn.jpg (14714 bytes) charthistle.jpg (14021 bytes)
Willow Autumn Thistle

charquartz.jpg (15000 bytes) charcornsilk.jpg (15448 bytes) Please visit Fabrics E
for a continuation of
the Pegasus fabric line.
Quartz Cornsilk
We bring style, color and service to the hospitality industry with our extensive line of 126" and 54" prints.  We also have a wide selection of coordinating solids to enhance any design scheme.  As a one-stop resource we measure, fabricate and install custom-quality products at reasonable prices.  Call us today to find out more about our great customer service!

Collection #2 Bedspread fabrics:
Fabrics A     Fabrics B     Fabrics C   Fabrics D    Fabrics E

Goldsmith's is Wholesale Only for the Hospitality Industry
We do not sell to individuals for residential or personal use